P.S. if you've tried emailing me lately @lapsura.com I haven't gotten it. Lapsura.com is down, and I can't do any updation.
[Edit: Lapsura.com seems to have reverted to a very early stage. I sure hope it's temporary and they fix whatever the heck they wrecked]
Also, it occurs to me that I may not have ever posted this: zombo.com (must have speakers on).
It kept welcoming me. Effusively. I felt uncomfortably welcome. Too welcome really. Even unwelcomely welcome.
And, the photo is: a lamp ... in the dark.
It looks like two lamps on a wall .. like in a basement room or something..
oh yeah .. I nearly forgot to ask you megan..
.. did you find him? .. he was watching you all day monday
welcome to zombocom, this is zombocom. .. you can do anything at zombocom. The only limit is yourself.. this is zombocom. This is zombocom..
.. I can't help but smile on that site
Yes, there are lamps...but what are the lamps (very slightly) illuminating?
if it's not God, then is it a llama? It's hard to tell what's not a smudge.
Come on people! This is my second-best story, after the one about being kicked out of Pere Lachaise Cemetery! Clearly, I need to repeat myself more often.
Clearly. Cause I haven't heard you once. you should work on your enunciation and voice projection. it's just not reaching me. :P
I know what it is, neener neener! :p
Well, in case the rest of you were interested: the answer
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