I finally got around to uploading a new batch of drawings, but I also created a
Facebook page (cmon, be a fan!) that now has all recent drawings (recent = starting February 2007). For the archives, you still have to trawl through the
drawings website.
The whole MA essay thing is shaping itself up rather nicely, and things are no longer in the hypothetical, will-think-about-looking-into-it stage. So, I'm now working through all kinds of books on virtuality and animality. Pretty slow going, since I've always hidden from theory. I'm sure it must be possible to write theory books in an accessible manner... the point almost seems to thoroughly
muddify an already obfuscated concept. I'm a bit at a loss about how to start searching for serious work on digital animals; delicious.com is pretty much my hero.
No summer should really go by without some sort of birthday rant. In addition to New Year's
Resolutions Hypotheticals every year, I usually make a sort of Birthday Resolutions. Things that I hope to have accomplished by the time I'm 25, or 26, or whatever. Things like, you know, it would be nice to not be in the exact same spot come next year. This past birthday cycle turned out to not yield any accomplishments whatsoever X( Oh yeah, something about someone's birthday, somewhat recently. My birthday has historically been a lowpoint in my year, like the time I didn't see or hear a single human during the whole day. Or the time I turned 18 while sleeping on a metal slab in a pig barn with a bunch of Frenchmen in Quebec (only days before I was abandoned at the airport after my plane had already departed). Or the time I turned 21 on the last day of counselling at camp (during which time a teenager inadvertently stomped on my ribs and I couldn't stand up straight for a month afterward) and the liquor stores weren't open so we got me a handful of Red Bulls for the staff party, and then I had to keep pulling over on the way home to nap because they made me so drowsy. Great birthday memories... Anyway, Birthday Resolutions 2009 include a good deal of composing, as well as finally becoming Master of Arts (I will of course refer to myself as
Magister Artium).