I shall go beachcombing every day. My collection of beach glass will be astounding.
But I won't, because classes also started this week, and the workload—even the reading list for a single class alone—is terrifyingly intensive. I feel like nothing has prepared me for what I need to put into these classes, and I have very little to contribute. I think I'll just sit there and say "For shizzle!" whenever a prof asks my opinion. Seriously, I haven't even heard of any of the theorists the other students toss around in class, much less read them, so I sure can't use them in discussion without doing a whole lot of extra reading and research, which I simply can't do.
Added to all this is music, for which I must finish writing my fugue by Monday night's first lesson. Yikes.
Biggest change of the day: Ryan is gone to CERN for three months :(
I am going to read Chaucer and Gower straight until Tuesday.
Ok .. I had to ask .. what's with the "rented" Pepe?
Heh, the aquarium came with the place I'm subletting. It will be a tasty feast on the last night, I can tell you! ;) Actually, I think it's more trouble than it's worth. I already killed off the biggest hermit crab.
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