The forum has a new strategy: you should post. Check it out here, and do let me know if you want to be able to post. Do.
[P.S. drawings will be semi-weekly rather than daily (or rather than never, as per recently)]
If you're on facebook, then you should add me. If you're not, then you should be.
Yay for being your first friend! And yes, all should join facebook!
oh, and i want to obtain said posting powers. ^_^ me likey power. *glee*
If you're giving away powers I want the ability to transmogrify.
I'm sad that I can't have powers *pouts*
You can have powers! You just need a blogger account. Or how about I create a special joint forum account for anyone who wants to post but not have their own blogger account?
hehe... ok, I have an account if people want to share it. But I warn you: the display name is Pat Kim Kelly. This is probably only funny to a few people, but hey, it works for girls and guys! Plus, it matches most murses and all femullets.
what the hell is facebook? .. should I actually allow the public to view my beautiful face? .. I am not sure what the point of it is.
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