There are finally a few new drawings up.
Fun fact: The phrase "the dickens" was coined by Shakespeare in The Merry Wives of Windsor.
To do this summer:
- delve further into Orchestration I, Baroque I, and History I
- wield my super-pass and go watch music lectures/masterclasses/concerts
- fiddle around on violin (great pun there)
- do 1 more interview/article for Luther
- wander around the city a lot
- go back to Saskatchewan, twice
- July: 1 wedding; 1 giant family gathering; 3 doctor appointments; visit family and friends; eat raspberries/saskatoons/hazelnuts/whatever else I can forage from the ol' orchard
- August: 1 wedding (my brother's! at which I will be singing a duet), collect useful textbooks and transport them to BC; visit family; forage some more; possible school reunion
- find place to move to; move
- do some composing and transcribing
- finish website
moving? where to? why? so many questions!
Congrats on the violin. I expect a performance when you are back.
The house we live in was recently sold, and we will have to vacate. Like a vacation.
Where'd you get the violin from? I want a violin. I wanted to take lessons back when I was approximately 10, but Mumsy said we couldn't afford it, or that you have to be little when you start, or somesuch. I think the second part was a blatant lie to get me to shut up, since she took violin for the first time in university. The vile(in) lies your parents tell you when you're young...
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