Sunday, May 14, 2006

Do do-do do-do do. do-do. do-do do-do do-do do. do-do...

Whenever I have music playing while I'm doing homework, I tend to not do homework and just listen to the music, so I usually listen to my low-attention playlist (i.e. I'm able to do other things at the same time as it's playing). Today I've just been listening to the same song over and over and over and over, because it's just that awesome and I can tune it out if necessary.

There are new drawings and phototoons. Back to homework. I finally figured out how metaphor/metonymy/similarity/contiguity applies to this crazy "second-order semiological system of signs being signifiers and whatnot" that some fellow keeps talking about. do-do do-do do, do-do, do-do do-do do-do do.


Anonymous said...

What's the awesome do-do do-do do do song?


Lapsura said...

Amon Tobin. You know, the one that goes "do do-do do-do do."

Anonymous said...

I totally have a do-do-do noise. However, I'm either looking for something, or I'm up to no good.